Elevate your nursing career to new heights!

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)


A high-quality Post-Licensure Bachelor of Nursing Science (RN-to-BNSc) completion program that's both affordable and convenient. The RN-to-BSN completion program is designed for students and working professionals who have already attained an associate degree or Diploma in Nursing (ADN/DN) and have subsequently earned their licensure as a Registered Nurse (RN) but who ultimately desire to earn their Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc).


10 Months (Part-time or Full-time options available)

Learning Outcomes

  • Enhance critical thinking and decision-making skills for advanced nursing practice.
  • Develop leadership and management competencies to function effectively in diverse healthcare settings.
  • Acquire knowledge in health promotion, disease prevention, and community health.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in research methodologies to contribute to evidence-based nursing practice.



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